Registration Poster Presentation

Poster Presentation

Registration Poster Presentation

I/we will participate in:
Please note that the participation of at least 1 person in min. 2 conference days is required.

List of participants
Type of presentation (please mark):
Ā¹ own hardware have to be used

Equipment (please mark)

The participation of at least one person representing the exhibiting organisation/company for at least 2 conference days will be necessary. The conference fee per person is 350 Euro (plus 10 % VAT) for all conferences.

Exhibiting in the POSTER PRESENTATION is free for members of EUFORES, FEDARENE and public institutions.
For other companies or organisations, the fee for participating in the Poster Presentation is: Panel: 150 Euro (plus 10 % VAT); Table: 50 Euro (plus 10 % VAT)

Data protection


Contact e-mail: office [AT] esv.or [DOT] at